Power of the Mind

Do you feel stuck in life and change isn’t possible? We often hope and wish things could be different and desperately try hard to change other people and situations which can be very stressful and impossible. What if you were to change your perspective of different situations and change your thinking or mindset towards something?

There’s a saying that sticks in my mind by Wayne Dyer

When you change the way you look at things, what you look at changes.

If you’re a visual person then let’s imagine you’re watching a DVD on the TV and we sit and complain about what we’re watching without thinking of maybe changing the DVD. What would happen if we did that? We would see a different film on the screen. This shows different laws in action such as ‘Law of Cause & Effect’ with what you give out you get back.

This is an invitation to maybe start to be aware of thoughts towards different people and situations as we’re so used to thinking the same way. We don’t often stop to question our thoughts and not to say there’s anything wrong with them but it’s good to stop and reflect. When we understand different Universal laws and can look and things differently then there’s no limit to the endless possibilities in our lives!!

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