The invitation is to focus on positive thoughts and feelings, BUT it’s just as important that we acknowledge all our feelings. It’s natural and we all have days where we feel angry, upset, annoyed etc and the more we try and not show how we’re feelings the stronger the feelings get….what we resist persists and gets stronger.
What we can try to do is to face whatever we’re feeling at any given moment and then we acknowledge and embrace them the energy starts to dissolve. It can be uncomfortable to sit with our feelings so we need to be gentle with ourselves and take baby steps as ignoring them means we push them down and suppress them.
I also want to share with you that the Law of Tendency shows that we only have to be positive 51% of the time to attract more positivity back…but of course it will work in the same way if our focus is on negative thoughts and feelings…so do your best to focus on what you want to attract in life but the different feelings and emotions can be a guide to clear something within yourself.