
I look forward to sharing my adventures with you in my blog and I hope to inspire you in different ways
Set Yourself Free

Set Yourself Free

Forgiveness is a challenging topic for most and it’s natural to feel the hurt and pain of what somebody said or did to us whether it’s last week or years ago. When we think of forgiveness we think thoughts of ‘pay back’ and the feeling of if you forgive them then...

Do positive affirmations work?

Do positive affirmations work?

Positive affirmations are great and it helps us think of things in a positive way and we can use them in different...

Principle of Non-Resistance

Principle of Non-Resistance

In the last post we talked about change and this is when things get really painful when we’re in resistance to how...

Embracing Change

Embracing Change

As humans we like to stay in our comfort zone and don’t like change so we try so hard to keep things the same. We fear...

Stuck in the past

Stuck in the past

We all have different stories of life maybe happy times and other times which could have been more painful. We often...

I Have To Be Strong

I Have To Be Strong

When we’re on the spiritual path it’s common to try and look at the positive feelings but we want to try and avoid...

Going Back to School

Going Back to School

In the midst of what’s happening at the moment this situation is a huge wake-up call for us all and we’re being...

Power of the Mind

Power of the Mind

Do you feel stuck in life and change isn’t possible? We often hope and wish things could be different and desperately...

How to stay connected

How to stay connected

When we’re connected to spirit, we feel a sense of certainty and ease that we’ve never known before. When we rely on...

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