Can I go back to sleep?

We’ve talked about a lot of different topics and some might resonate with you while others might not be so clear and that’s ok. When we start to get curious it can seem like a challenge to navigate through all the information to find the inner peace and joy we’re looking for in life. It might even be tempting to stop as it’s a lot easier to forget about the past than open the can of worms. I used to think that but what I also started to understand that all the past is stored in my unconscious mind and can still play out in our lives and most of the time we’re unaware of this until we start exploring repeated patterns etc to understand this better.

Yes sometimes it’s easier to go back to sleep but to be honest taking the first step on this journey helps us to see where we are blocking our potential to live the life we really want. When you start to understand the bigger picture of life we can start to embrace it and all that happens as we know it’s an opportunity for us to clear something and we change our perspective of life being a struggle to aligning ourselves with the unlimited Universe ☺

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