Power of Self-Love

Self-love is something that brings up different emotions for people as it’s seen as vain, arrogant and big-headed…yes? I found this a bitter pill to swallow for many years as I was always looking those around me to show me love but deep down I was very critical of myself. This is when I discovered that the criticism I has feeding myself as attracted back in others….the same at times when I felt good the love was reflected back.

Love is the most powerful quality of the Universe and until we can fully love ourselves we can’t love others completely. I also want to share about conditional love we have for ourselves so the script goes something like this….when I lose weight I’ll love myself, OR ‘When I’m in relationship I’ll love myself.’ We often get to the goal post we’ve set ourselves to realize we’re still the same person as we’re looking outside of ourselves for the love and approval.

It’s not an easy process but try taking baby steps to cultivate the self- love and approval for yourself from within. One way from the philosophy of Louise Hay is to look in the mirror and say, ‘I love and approve of myself exactly as I am’ The key thing here is to say ‘exactly as I am’ so we are giving ourselves unconditional love…when we do this is outpictured in our experience with our weight, relationships, job etc.

This takes time so be gentle with yourself and really feel the LOVE for yourself radiating from within ☺

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