Principle of Non-Resistance

In the last post we talked about change and this is when things get really painful when we’re in resistance to how things are. We often wish things are different to what they are and this can keep us stuck. We often want to keep a tight control of things so things means when we feel out of control we feel scared, anxious, powerless….does it ring any bells?

There’s times we feel in control so we feel safe and then unplanned things so we get stressed. I invite you to focus on what you can control and let go what you can’t control. Sometimes the unpredictable things that happen put us on the best paths of our lives, but we get stuck and want things to get back to the way they are. A way to help with this is the YES technique and it sounds to simple to everything that is happening…..this helps us to acknowledge the resistance and we don’t have to like what’s happening but coming to a place of acceptance.

Here is an example for you on how it works…….
YES I wish I wasn’t going to get laid off from my job
YES I am worried if I’m going to find another job
YES I am feeling anxious about getting used to working with new people
YES I am feeling unsettled about having an interview

What you do is say YES to everything your feeling to clear the energy within yourself and we’d love to hear how you get on ☺

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