Embracing Change

As humans we like to stay in our comfort zone and don’t like change so we try so hard to keep things the same. We fear change as it’s unpredictable and we don’t know how to handle things. Have you ever looked as change to shake us up to where we’re meant to be? I invite you to reflect at change you’ve been through in your own life, maybe a change in your job, relationship? Has it ever happened that things have turned out for the best, even thought you didn’t see it at the time?

We can go through different feelings and emotions with change and we sometimes try so hard to stop things….it doesn’t work and we end up feeling stuck. When we start to look at change in different ways we can start to embrace it and look forward to how things can work out for our Greatest Good. When I go through some unsettling times in my life I use the following affirmation:

Everything is working out for my Highest Good, I am safe – Louise Hay

Check out the next blog to see how we can become unstuck and move forward ☺

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