Riding the storms of life

Life will present us with numerous challenges but it’s about how we handle things…we can see obstacles in our path or see them as opportunities to grow….there’s something to learn in every situation.

The key thing here is to find inner peace whatever is going on and feel empowered to handle things. It’s a good reminder too that the Universe is always supporting us even though it can feel like it’s picking on us sometimes!! It also never gives us more than we can handle so the invitation here is to take a step back from whatever is happening and clear any emotions first. If you’re trying to deal with things caught up in the fog of emotion it will magnify any challenge.

When you clear the emotion you can look at what’s going on….maybe there’s a deeper lesson here? We often judge things as good and bad and as we talked about in an earlier blog we feel unsettled when any kind of change happens and can slip into victim mode of ‘Why me?’
One of my favourite quotes is, ‘It’s not about stopping the storms and learning to dance in the rain.’

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