Intuition can be called different things such as inner GPS, inner voice, inner compass but this is the deeper part within your being connected to the Universe. The thing is we’re not used to trusting it as we’re too busy looking outside ourselves for answers. Our mind is so busy trying to see the way forward but in reality we can’t see the wood for the trees…does that sound familiar?
What if there was a different way to connect with the part within you that knows the answers. How does this happen? Meditation is powerful to connect and relax the mind and the invitation is to sit in the stillness afterwards and this is maybe when we get some guidance or sometimes called the ‘whispers of the heart.’
Has it ever happened to you that you’ve been trying so hard to work out how to solve a problem and the more you think about it the more blocked you feel? Yes I’ve been there ☺ What sometimes happens is when we’re doing something and not focusing on the problem we get the ‘aha’ moment and get clarity on the situation.
This happens because the Universe has been trying to get through to us but the mind is so busy trying to work things out. The answer to any of life’s problems is within us and when we learn to trust our intuition we feel empowered and supported to move forward whatever is happening. Trusting our intuition is not that easy in the beginning so start using it for what you’ll have to eat or where to go for a walk….start to use it for the smaller thing and then you can start to trust it for the bigger things.
Your guide in life is closer than what you think!! ☺