Going Back to School

In the midst of what’s happening at the moment this situation is a huge wake-up call for us all and we’re being invited to look at things at a deeper level? You might have had some wake-up calls in the past and we either learn from them, or maybe we didn’t quite catch the lesson. At this point we feel the Universe is picking on us but it’s a good reminder that where’s never given more than we can handle and the Universe is ALWAYS supporting us despite appearances.

Nobody would consciously agreed to what’s happening now but we have to remember that whatever is happening in our experiences is an outpicturing of the mind…..not always easy to see but maybe this is an invitation to look at things on a deeper level. We can choose to look at it from a victim point of view of ‘My life never goes the way I want it to’ or ‘Everything I try and do gets messed up’ or look at the deeper lessons.

Maybe it’s an invitation to sit with our thoughts and just ‘BE’ and maybe it’s an opportunity to re-align our lives. We’re always so buy going round and round on the hamster wheel, so this time is giving us time to reflect and refocus and look at where we’re going and what we’re doing. Is it aligned with your life purpose or are you going along with what you ‘should’ do dictated by society or the good intentions of family and friends.

Don’t overthink this but sit with it, be comfortable with your thoughts and maybe journal if you like writing…remember stillness speaks and let your intuition guide you during this time…and remember we don’t like change but it shakes us up to where we’re meant to be and the only permanent thing in the Universe is change.

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